Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's going to make you cry

My frend Brain Dead Bob told me about his "blog" and asked me to write some for him when I feel like it. Thank you Brain Dead. I had to invent a thing for goofle but they let me and I ddidnt tell them it was me because I heard they give iunformation to the Chinase. And Brain Dead only calls himself that becaus the "elitists" make fun of us for thinking American! USA! ZBut I hav to say some stuff about other suff to.

I havf something to say rigt away thogh. This attack by the Russian of their providence ZGorgia, don't worry! It is not are Gorgia but anuther place that is not in are country (USA!!!!!!!!!( but it is tstill a place of innacince and it has been very bad to watch it. Pictchers from there are really bad and sad. Dead people and crying pepole and covered in blood a lot of times.

And the liberuls don't want to do anything of course. I mean, its Russia all over agian! And they love the Iranan mulim terrists (and I'm not going to apalligize for calling them muslim because they are and all the pc peopel half to admit it) and still all the liberuls are complneing about the war in Iraq evcen thugh we are winning and nowwe might half to fite the Russians but the liberuls are afrade because they are even afrade of Iraq.

But Russia is a bully and wat we mite have to do now that we are winning in Iraq is make some of the other troops, maybe the ones were not using right now but who are getting reddy, instead of sending them to Iraq or whateverstan we can send them to Gordgia. And the russian presdent the one that is Pootin I think, he will have to lissen to us becuse we are the gretest country in the world and the most powerful. The liberuls are all bout this place in Africa called Darfur. It's this little country near the Sudan and Etheopia. Anyway, all the Darfur peopel are killing themselfs and the liberuls are saying we should do something about them killing themsels and then in Gorgia were Russians are attaking the innisnet peepel the liberuls are saying we should not do anything becuse they still love that russia used to be communist (until a man you might now as Ronald Reagen kicked there buts!). And now sumbody told me that Jon Edwards and Bill Clinton had an affare with the same lady!!!

So pepel are dying and the democrats are having sex with each others women! Or woman!

But menewhile when they stop having sex with each other they want us to invent new fules! Well you cant invent oil only God can invent oil and theres no mre then what we got now! And we half so much oil under the ochen that if we just drill we will have a lot of oil forever. But the democratic terrists do not want to hurt dolfins and seagulls. It really is enouf to make you cry.
Thank God we are beating the Chinase in the olimpics then becus I could not stand it if that nice boy Michel Phelps had not won the 8th gold medel becuse befor that it was a guy named Mark Spitz who was a Zgerman from World War two.

Just be careful becuse if John MCcain loses we will all lose and the Chinase and the Russins will beat us at everythign! And the next Gorgia that is invaded will be are Gorgia and you can quote me on that becuse its true. Osama scares me a lot.


Brain Dead Bob said...

Right on Randy! Libruls arent AMERICAN their ameriCANT. If they taek controle wheel be up crap creek.

Anonymous said...

You guys and McCain both suck. This blog looks like it was written in crayon.