Monday, August 18, 2008
It is soe obbeeous
It is so obveeous that John McClaine is the best candydat for presidunt I don no why the ameriCANT libruls cant figger that oute. Anywon hoo watched there discussions with Pastor Rick Warrden at the Saddelcrick Church this wwekend will no why the liberuls are wining this week. There saviour Brokeback Omama was thorolee trached by the great John McLain. Omaha sed somehting about conseptshun being abouve his pay graed. What is tath about? Silly anti Christ liberul. Of course life starts at contraception, that what it says in THE BIBLE! You no THE BIBLE. Tht's the book that AMERICA was founded on. But that just the theng with thees liberuls, they are not good GOD feering people. They want to kill inosent babies and let the murders like Usame ben Laden live. The are saying that John McClaim cheeted because he wasnt at the churh when Olaboma starting trying to asnwer the questions from the Pastor Rick Warner. WHy shood he have ben? He wasn't being asked questions then. Nobody asks why Hillary Clinton wasn't their when Ombama was answering quesitons. Why doesn't the manestreem nedia ask that question? We know the anser, it's becuase the media is in cahootes with evil doesr tring to destroy AMERICA. We no hoo the evil doers is. THey are Mulsim Terrists in compunktion with reform Jews and atheeists and environMENTALists amung other anti AMERICAN satinists. They want evereewon to talk Spanish hair so that we wont know wat is happening, they can't fool us real AMERICANS. Wear onto yoo new world order types who work for lucifer and the communists Islamic fundamentalsists. We are a nation for Chrsit nad not those who rejcet GOD and CHRITS and we need to get back to dooing GOD's werk and prepearing for hte finle battle.
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1 comment:
It is rite to say becaus the athest moselum Obsama thinks he can pretend but he cannot becaus only athests think God gets payed! God does this becaus he wants to! It is FREE! Like America is FREE! but he wants to tax that and then give the mony to "artests" who pee and then hang up there pants and get a millyon dollers from the welafre for it to. It makes me so angrey and then he is there pretending to no by pretending he nos what God makes.
Ask a Christian! Ask a Christian Obsama! ZGod makes this stuff for FREE! but maybe yiou dont no that becus ou went to a madralla which is like a place where pepel lern to pray to Alla insted of the Lord. Well John MCCrain prays to the Lord and that is why more then anything I support him forever.
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