Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Candydits's Energy Plans

Brokeback Obamba unvaled his energee plan the other dey and I have to tell you it is retardded. He says that all that we nede to due is check the ear pressurein our tyres and get tuneups on our cars and that we's will be in grate shape. Huh? That is stooped. Typical LIBERAL SOLCIALIST BLAMING THE VICTIM!!! Is he saying its hour falt taht gas prices are so high right now? It sure sounds like it. What an ideot. It's not hour falt, its the falt of the aRABS and the looney envyronMENTALists. Anyone with a brane nows that. Sheesh.


Anonymous said...

Its funny - brokeback osama!

There probbubly hafing sex. OBSama!

I read in the libural media about how McCain is going to win now. I am exsited becus I was relly worried that Obsama was going to come in and give are country away to the imigrints and the gays.

Brain Dead Bob said...

Randy don't fourgit the atheists. They's the ones to reelly look out for.

Smiff said...

u r boff profrondly brainz dead.

Sarge said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Smiff is some liburel oppurtunist who just wants free muney! Well wurk you stopid moran! And then you wont half to go and be a dick on peepels blogs where they are being rele AMERIC ANS! Not communist terrists who love Ali, Mohamad and Osama - oh. I mean OBAMAS! or is that OHAMAS:> you now the terrists? yeah - you like terrists and will vote tghe liberuls but there are more of us qieut peplel who will vote with our BRANES! then you elitists then you think!

Americans! IF you fouht in the Reoltiotion we'd be speaking French now! OOr some indian langwig!

I thinkSmiff thinks he is smart but he is not. Bercaus he will vote for OSama! Meanwile I will vote for MCcrain and we will ahve beers becus he is a real American!