Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Ladies and germs, welcome to my new blog. The gole of this blog is to set the record strate regarding to what is happening in our cuntry twoday. I hope this will be inlightening to you who have ben hornswaggled by today's librul press and confirming to those of you who see thru the lies of the MSM. It's supper time now, so I'm going to have to step away for awhile, but I will be back to spread the righteous truth about the USA!


Sarge said...

I realy think its great that a person has stepped up to show how Osama Bin Obama is a thret to the the whirld.

These motherfuking liberal save the world types I'm just sick of em. I'm sick of there bullshit - a cupple of warm winters and they say the worlds poisoned by rich people because they themselves are not rich.

Good luck BDB!

Sarge said...

However you should allow anonymous posters who can also make up their names.

Brain Dead Bob said...

Maid that change Sarge, thanks for the advise.